Last Sineesche and Tartarian war, wherein the Tarters conquered the whole Realm Sina. (Page 203)

And though now the instability of the wordily matter, with the clearing out of the Sineeschen grounds of the Tartars, the Realm of Sina showed a very beautiful face, and if seemed to laugh, so changed Fortune, according here usual nature, quickly her shape, and started to put in short of the matter a spoke in it's wheel, that (as it will show from the following story) the Tarters seized the whole Sineeschen Realm, and bring under their obedience.

The Sineezen, who didn't see how shady the Tarters were disappeared over the great Wall, more out of need to watch their own State affairs, and to suppress the mutiny and discord in their own Country, than by their power and weapons, never seized to prepare for war, and to keep the Wall and Border-cities with strong War-occupations, while they could divine, that the Tarters would not let them possess and leave them in rest and peace in their Realm, but today or tomorrow with new forces, after settling of the internal revolts, come to make war again. Like the outcome clearly showed. Since as soon as the Tartarian King had settled the fire of his revolt in his State, or he invaded with his Army in the county of Leaotung, and gave order to seventy thousand Horsemen, which he sent in advance, to ride the Capital Leaoyang, and with him to expect more people shortly thereafter, he conquered the City stormily within in forty hours time. One fought on both sides very violent and fiercely, and on the Sineesche side stayed thirty thousand defeated; though this conquest didn't face the Tarters with many heads. Never before had the Sineezen suffered such a big loss; while they lost in this siege around twenty thousand men: since so loyal and manly performed the Sineesche occupation, that the siegers would by no means have conquered this city, unless they had brewed some treason there inside.

Since certain Lieutenant-Colonel, (according to the Sineesen themselves) who with money, and, big promises, to endow him with a more dignified office, bribed by the Tarters, opened the Gates on certain time for the enemy, who thereupon with the whole Cavalry and most Foot-Soldiers rushed into the city, without encountering much resistance, and conquered it within the time of not much hours. Within the City was hideously raved, and with setting on fire, cracking and damaging of the most important buildings, to revenge the suffered defeat, very miserably wreaking havoc, and making the City to a pitiful heap of rubble. The Tutang or Governor, who took this treacherous work of this Sineeschen Lieutenant-Colonel to heart, hanged himself, out of disconsolateness, and not to survive this sadness, immediately with the transfer.

The Imperial principal Counsel

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