Missive Batavia naar Nagasaki, 16 juni 1670.

Datter op Corea voor ons niet valt te handelen hebben hier altijt oock soo begrepen om de selfste redenen alsser in't schrijven van 5en October lestleden wordt aangehaalt; 't comt ondertusschen niet qualijck datter zulken treck van verscheijde goederen derwaerts sij, hoewel van d'ander zijde de Compe weder schadelijck is datter bij de 6oo picols zijde oock do stuckgoederen, 't verleden jaar over dien wegh in Japan gevoert zijn geworden.

Missive from Batavia to Nagasaki, June 16, 1670

That there are no possibilities to trade on Corea, we have understood that always like that, for the same reason that is quoted in the missive of last 5th of October; in the meantime it's not bad, that there is a pull of several goods thither, though from the other side the Company suffers loss with the  600 picol silk as well as general cargo that were transported by that way in Japan