Missive Taijoan naar Japan. Zeelandia, 10 september 1641.

"... Soo als voorsz. vloote bestaande in t Jacht den Kivith, de Fluijt Castricum, 't galjot 't Quelpaert, d'Jonck Quelangh, onse groote lootsboot ende twaelff Chinese handelsjoncken op 24 der maent Augustij des morgens sijnde moij ende lieffelijck weder, als gesecht van hier nae Tamsuij omme ons g'intendeert desseijn met de hulpe van Godt almachtigh uijt te wercken..."

"aen boort gecomen waren, is schielijck soodanigen onweer met harde regen ontstaan dat de Chinese champans daer mede wij aen boort gecomen waren in den grondt geraeckt zijn, het Quelpaert sijn gaffel gebroocken ende wij genootsaact waren met groot perijckel pr de groote lootsboot wederom, sonder ons goet voornemen noch geheel verricht te hebben, nevens voorsz. Quelpaert binnen aen't Casteel te comen."  

The Quelpaert the Brack.

Missive from Taijoan to Japan, Zeelandia, September 10, 1641.

"... As the previously mentioned fleet consisting of the Jacht the Kivith, the Flute Castricum, the galliot the Quelpeert, the Junk Quelangh, our biggest pilot boat and twelve Chinese merchant junks on the 24th of the month August, being beautiful and lovely weather, as said from here to Tamsuij to work our intended design with the help of Godt almighty..."

"having come aboard, came quickly into being such thunderstorm with heavy rains that the Chinese champans where we have come aboard, have run aground, the Quelpaert broke its gaff and we were forced with great peril come back per the big pilot boat, without having completely accomplished our good intention, besides making the previously mentioned Quelpaert come inside to the Castle."