Resolution, March 21, 1653.

Since the Governor of the Island Formosa, Nicolaas Verburgh, Extraordinary Counsel of India, by his letters requested to be released instantly this year from the before mentioned troublesome Government, in order to leave the next season to the motherland, as the time of his connection will be ended then in a year, and accordingly again another competent and qualified person is required, to hold that important Government,  so is the same kept in mind after balancing of the matter during several meetings after the other and since the same Government is considered to be of very great importance, which the for Company, in time, as God the Lord wants to bless the means applied, a Kingdom worth is to be, except the Japanse and Chinese trade which for the gold and silver minerals which are drawn from there and with which the domestic trade mainly is kept alive, is for the Company also of big importance.

And that moreover in the same Government some years hither very big riots has risen between Companies most important minister in church and police, where from such parties and factions came into being that is feared that the same finally, unless being provided, could thrive to unservice and disadvantage of the Company. And however Companies service not condones that all person attained or attached to the previously mentioned questions, therefor from there removed and placed somewhere else, about to put down these riots and parties and to exterminate them is required not only particular wisdom, discretion and bravery but also more than common authority. Adding to that that the same Island seem to have coming a dark cloud from China, are being advised by several ways that the son of the great Mandarin Equan, because of the power of the Tartaren not could exist, and is being forced to clear up the realm, has put his eye on Formosa in order to take the same with his remaining subjects and to take refuge there, because of his hostile undertaking then also necessary to keep a vigil and meticulous eye, so that our precious premises, which has cost already that much, and of such a big expectation, not to be snatched.

All these matters being pondered and considered with due consideration, being finally understood and is unanimous resolved, not withstanding the order of the Principal Lords expressively brings along and dictates that from the ordinary permanent Counsels none should be send unless it were to be the emergency the same came to demand, and then not otherwise then on a short expedition, to come back after action, the same order for the reasons mentioned above and the importance of the matter, exceeds for so much and to the before mentioned important Government to nominate and request the Lord Carel Hartsingh Ordinary Counsel of the Counsel of India that for this in mentioned Northern quarters dismissed [probably is meant: lived] and has a thorough knowledge of the matter, with hope and trust that the High mentioned principal Lords see the above mentioned reasons and motives and will understand the necessity of the matter on our behalf.

In which the mentioned Lord Hartsingh being requested to conform, at the service of the Company, with previously mentioned resolution, thus has His Excellency to oblige and also completely inclined to have himself used as the Company his service most required, yet since the Northern waters dangerous waters are, like the sad examples, God bid, from time to time not as too much have learned, so was his Excellency superfluous and prepared to accept the same Government, subject to that such would not be for a short time, but for some years, at least as long as his current contract with the Company would last, in order not to wander around with his family hither and thither, unless expressively orders should come from the motherland, from the Lords Administrators, that he would always gladly submit and undiminished his present quality rank and order in the Counsel of India, which him, after this, yet be referred and appointed by the Principal Lords, of which His Excellency through the Counsel unanimous promise is done, thus yet to exterminate the previously mentioned risen and deep-rooted unpleasantness, as well as to bring everything on mentioned Island on good footing and in descent order, as much and longer as will be required, wanting to trust that the well mentioned Principal Lords keep the same for good and well done.