Patriasche Missive, 8 oktober 1654. 

De surrogatie bij UE. gedaen van d'E. Cornelis Caesar tot Gouverneur in Taijouan en Ilha Formosa in plaetse van d'E. Nicolaes Verburch die vermits expiratie van sijn verbonden tijdt sijn verlossinge van daer versocht heeft, sullen wij ons wel laeten gevallen. Wij willen vertrouwen dat hij hem in dat important en swaerwichtich Gouvernement ten dienste van de Compagnie wel en nae behooren sal quijten. 

UE. wijders recommanderende en oock bevelende wel te letten en die voorsorge te draegen dat het gemelte Gouvernement altijdt; bekleet werde bij luijden van verstandt en discretie en daerop men sich volcomentlijck can gerust stellen, alsoo UE. weten de Compe daeraen ten hoochsten gelegen te wesen.   

Patria Missive, October 8, 1654.

The suggestion done by Your Nobleness to [appoint] the Noble Cornelis Ceasar as Governor in Taijouan and Ilha Formosa instead of the Noble Nicolaes Verburch who, because of his expiration of his committed time, has requested for his release from there, this goes down well with us. We will trust that he will perform in that important and weighty Government at the service of the Company

Your Nobleness further recommending and also ordering to pay well attention and to take precaution that the mentioned Government always; will be occupied by people with [power of] reason and discretion and that one can rely on them entirely, also let Your Nobleness know that the Company values this enormously