August Ao 1642 21: and 22nd ditto. Dirty, rainy weather, east south east winds. Arrived three Chinese junks with silk cloth from Bivor as well as raw goods. Against the evening comes here in the bay a barge from Satsuma with the caught papists, who were expected on the 11th of this month, was made mention of. Were all shaved and dressed in the Japanese way, were brought to prison immediately, where the renegadet papist Joan [Paep Joan characterizes Sawano Chuan (1571 - 1649) previously Jesuit, apostated in 1633. He came to Japan as Christavao Ferreira, S.J. in 1609 and served since 1632 as the head of a monastery province. Caught in 1633 in Nagasaki and tortured by his persecutors, he apostated] addressed by order of the Governor these people, asking if they wanted to become apostate, leave their faith and like he live in the Japanese way. Answered, thou villain, what tiger, pig, serpent or wicked vermin has produced you, laying these question in front of us, go to the devil and his hellish deceit, which you serve. About which saying the renegade was touched in his mind, that he could say one word, but left without any contact. The names of the previously mentioned papists are these:
Anthonio Romeyn, Italian Jesuit, 62 years old being the
principal of ditto college within Maccauwe, where he is an esteemed
person, his name and quality since some years hither known by the
governor. [Padre Antonio Rubino, S. J., Italian.] Declared, coming together from Manilha, having hired a junk for three thousand Spanish reals, accompanied by some Chinese, serving like countrymen, and a Spanish pilot put ashore in Sutsuma, where they were hidden, without being discovered, though eventually were watched. Had with them T. 107 weight of Chinese gold and T. 250 Tael Silver, speaking very frank and unabashed, despising the death and all the torments to be expected here. The Governor Saboseymondonne and his Excellencies Counsels, being very surprised about this frankness, asked in the further examining, if they didn't have the full knowledge of the ban of the His Majesty of Japan, that no Castilians, Portuguese and those who adhere to their doctrine, much less Roman papists, condones in his country, without any being caught, being killed with the most painful torments, as well that the previously mentioned Majesty has put orders throughout the whole country of Japan, that it is not possible, any foreign nation without being made known, could call in, what has moved them to come here and to raise new revolt. Answered, to have known the ban of the Majesty, however taking more in esteem the orders of the great Godt and his son Jesum Christum and the ruler about heaven, earth and all containing and set out this journey in His Name, with the hope to teach some people and inhabitants of this country in the rightful, genuine knowledge of God Almighty, that now, being discovered too soon, not can be done. Were ready and unafraid to suffer everything, what with pain and indignity might be intending to do with their bodies and to suffer everything in the name of their Savior. This unassimilated confession, without changing posture or face, has touched the listeners somewhat. The Governor ordered, to put all together with the others in a prison house and guard them with well and strict a lot of guards. The interpreters and more others trusted, in long time not to be killed, but daily with torture cause all kinds of torments of the world, then one and then the others, as long as can stand such and die. |