1666. October. Sondagh 17e do .... op van dage lieten door de Tolcken (gelijck wij meenden om 't welstaen) aan de Gouverneurs versoecken off we de acht Nederlanders voor een maent verleden uijt Corre hier aengecomen mede naer Batavia mochten voeren, 't welck ons wiert afgeslagen met voorgeven dat dies aengaende van 't Jedosche Hoff nog geen ordre off bescheijt was gecomen, maer alle uure worde verwacht, ondertusschen zullen de schepen morgen moeten vertrecken ende dese arme menschen licht hier noch een jaer dienen over te blijven 't welck voor haer luijden hertelijck te beclagen soude wesen.

1666. October. Sunday 17 there upon following ..... on today we had requested the governor by the interpreters (like we thought to adjust) if we were allowed to transport the eight Dutchmen who arrived here for a month ago from Corre, to Batavia, which was us denied, with mentioning that on that matter no order or news had arrived from the court of Jedo, but was expected each hour, in the meantime the ships will have to leave tomorrow and these poor people probably had to stay for another year, which for these people would be pitied heartily.